CAGR Calculator

Calculate the average annual growth rate of an investment or value over a specified period of time, assuming the growth is compounded.

Enter Monthly Investment


CAGR Growth


CAGR Growth


Initial Investment

$ 5,000

CAGR Calculator : (Compound Annual Growth Rate)

A CAGR Calculator is a financial tool that helps individuals and businesses calculate the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of an investment over a specified period.

CAGR is a crucial metric for measuring the average annual growth rate of an investment, accounting for the compounding effect. This tool simplifies complex calculations, offering accurate insights into the growth performance of investments like mutual funds, stocks, or business revenues.

What is CAGR Calculator?

CAGR represents the consistent annual growth an investment would achieve if it grew at the same rate every year. It eliminates the effect of market volatility, providing a smoothed rate of growth for easy comparison across investments.

CAGR stands for Compound Annual Growth Rate, which is the rate at which an investment grows annually over a specified period, assuming the growth is compounded. CAGR is useful for comparing the growth of different investments over the same period, as it provides a consistent rate of return, smoothing out fluctuations in the investment's performance.

How is the CAGR Calculator Used?

1. Evaluate Investment Growth: Understand the average growth rate of your portfolio.

2. Compare Investment Options: Compare the growth of different assets or funds over the same period.

3. Set Financial Goals: Plan investments based on desired growth rates to achieve long-term objectives.

How Does the CAGR Calculator Work?


Ending Value = The value of the investment at the end of the period.

Beginning Value = The initial investment amount.

n = The number of years the investment was held.

Advantages of CAGR Calculator:

  • Time-Saving: Performs complex growth rate calculations instantly.
  • Accurate Results: Eliminates errors associated with manual calculations.
  • Easy Comparison: Helps compare different investment options in terms of growth performance.
  • Financial Planning: Assists in setting realistic financial goals by forecasting potential returns.
  • User-Friendly: Intuitive interface requiring minimal input.

How to Use a CAGR Calculator?

  • 1. Enter Beginning Value: Specify the initial investment amount.
  • 2. Input Ending Value: Provide the value of the investment at the end of the period.
  • 3. Set Investment Duration: Specify the number of years the investment was held.
  • 4. View Results: Instantly receive the CAGR as a percentage.
  • 5. Experiment: Adjust values to compare growth scenarios for different investment durations or returns.


1. Who can use a CAGR Calculator?

Anyone looking to measure or compare the growth of their investments, such as mutual fund investors, stock market participants, or business owners.

2. Is CAGR the same as annual return?

No, CAGR represents a smoothed average growth rate over time, while annual returns may vary each year.

3. Can CAGR be negative?

Yes, if the ending value is less than the beginning value, CAGR will indicate a negative growth rate.

4. Does CAGR account for market volatility?

No, CAGR provides a smoothed growth rate and does not show yearly fluctuations in investment performance.

5. Why is CAGR important?

CAGR provides a clear, comparable measure of growth over time, helping investors make informed decisions.

6. Can CAGR be used for short-term investments?

While it can be calculated, CAGR is more meaningful for medium to long-term investments where compounding plays a significant role.