EPF Calculator

Calculator helps users calculate their expected EPF balance based on factors such as monthly contributions, interest rates.

Enter Monthly Salary


8.1 %

Total Amount

$ 30,249,122

Employee Contribution

$ 0

Employer Contribution

$ 0

Estimated Returns

$ 0

EPF Calculator: (Employees' Provident Fund)

The EPF (Employees’ Provident Fund) Calculator is an online tool designed to estimate the total corpus you will accumulate in your Employees’ Provident Fund account, including the contributions from both employee and employer, along with the accrued interest. The EPF is a government-mandated savings scheme in India aimed at providing financial security to employees post-retirement.

What is an EPF Calculator?

An EPF Calculator is a convenient tool that helps employees understand how their regular contributions, along with employer contributions and annual interest, will grow over time. This tool simplifies the process of estimating your retirement savings and gives you a clear picture of the financial benefits of investing in EPF.

The calculator considers the following:

1. Employee Contribution: 12% of the employee’s basic salary and dearness allowance.

2. Employer Contribution: 12% of the basic salary and dearness allowance (of which 3.67% goes to the EPF account and the rest to the Employee Pension Scheme).

3. Interest Rate: Compounded annually, as declared by the EPFO (Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation) each year.

How Does the EPF Calculator Work?

The calculation involves:

1. Monthly Contributions: Employee and employer contributions to the EPF.

2. Interest: Calculated annually based on the EPFO-declared interest rate (currently around 8.15% for 2023-24).

3. Tenure: The number of years until retirement.


EC = Employee Contribution

ER = Employer Contribution

t = Investment Tenure (years)

Interest Rate = Declared annually by EPFO

How to Use the EPF Calculator?

1. Enter Basic Salary and Dearness Allowance: Provide your monthly basic salary and any applicable dearness allowance.

2. Add Investment Details: Specify the current EPF balance, monthly contribution rate, and employer contribution rate.

3. Select the Interest Rate: Input the prevailing EPF interest rate, as declared by the government.

4. Choose Tenure: Define the number of years you plan to continue contributing to the EPF account.

5. View Results: The calculator will provide an estimated corpus, including total contributions and interest earned at the end of the tenure.

Advantages of EPF Calculator:

  • Retirement Planning: Helps employees plan their retirement savings effectively by providing a clear picture of their future corpus.
  • Quick and Accurate: Eliminates the need for manual calculations, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Flexible Inputs: Allows users to experiment with different salary amounts, interest rates, and tenures to see how their savings grow.
  • Informed Decisions: Enables employees to understand the importance of EPF and make informed financial decisions regarding their retirement.
  • User-Friendly: The EPF Calculator is easy to use and accessible online for all employees.
  • Track Contributions: Keeps you aware of your contributions and expected returns, motivating consistent savings.


1. What is the minimum contribution to EPF?

Both employee and employer must contribute 12% of theemployee's basic salary and dearness allowance.

2. Can I contribute more than 12% to EPF?

Yes, you can contribute more through a Voluntary Provident Fund (VPF). However, the employer's contribution will remain fixed at 12%.

3. How often is interest credited to the EPF account?

Interest is calculated monthly but credited annually to the EPF account.

4. Can I withdraw money from my EPF account before retirement?

Yes, partial withdrawals are allowed for specific purposes like medical emergencies, education, or buying a house. Full withdrawal is permitted upon retirement or unemployment for 2 months or more.

5. What happens to the EPF account after retirement?

The EPF account continues to earn interest even after retirement if not withdrawn. However, no contributions can be made post-retirement.

6. Can I transfer my EPF account when I change jobs?

Yes, EPF accounts can be transferred to the new employer using the Universal Account Number (UAN). You can also continue contributing to your account in the extended period.

7. What is the current interest rate on EPF?

The EPF interest rate is declared annually by the EPFO. For 2023-24, it is 8.15%.